Monday January 6th Office will be closed due to impending bad weather. No Adoration hours that day.
Merry Christmas from St Gabriel the Archangel Parish
Special Announcement
We welcome Peggy Nicolosi as the newest member of our Parish Finance Council. With experience in the school board she will be a great asset for us. Thank you, Peggy, for stepping up and sharing your time and talent with
St. Gabriel Parish.
St Gabriel the Archangel Feast Day Mass September 28, 2024
Click below to download your Registration Form
January 24th March for Life Washington DC
February 2nd at 6pm Candy Bar Bingo - free event for all Parish Members and family
Knights of Columbus selling Sub Tickets $9.00 each
Football Mania sweepstakes for the Superbowl- Ticket price is $5.00 Each. Buy 5 and get one free.
In-house Lector training for those wishing to volunteer to read at mass will be Saturday March 1st, 2025
Please contact Joan Nipe to sign up.
Please see Bulletin for details of these and all events in our parish.
We are updating our Parishioner database. New forms will be available to fill out and update your information for our parish. Hopefully this will make communication with you easier and keep you better informed of activities in our Church Community.
Friday Morning Prayer Group
Every Friday 11:00a
Thursday night prayer group
Thursday 6:30pm
Please pray for those on our sick and deceased list
Miraculous 54-Day Mercy Sunday Rosary Novena beginning on Ash Wednesday and concluding on Divine Mercy Sunday. If you would like to receive the daily reminders with the links to audio and video please click the Choose Your Groups button below and select the group 54-Day Mercy Sunday Rosary Novena.
“God’s first language is silence.” ~Cardinal Robert Sarah
Will you answer the call to SERVANT LEADERSHIP?
By virtue of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ there is a natural outpouring of service. Jesus expressed His love for us in unconditional and sacrificial ways. With our cooperation, in humility, Jesus transforms us into a reflection of God to the world.
When you offer your service to the Church, Jesus uses this to help you grow even closer in relationship with Him. It helps you to grow in obedience to His Will. God expects of us to selflessly give in the service of others, being His hands and feet. Our result is an execution of Jesus' prayer for unity of His church and a personal satisfaction of purpose and fulfillment.
When we lead by the light of faith, we become a living witness to others by following Jesus' example.
There are so many ways to offer use of our gifts and talents in service to our parish through assistance with the Mass, participating in ministries, volunteering in the office (these are a few examples). There is room for all to build up the community through our relationship with Christ.
Please pray about how God is calling you to join in the mission of our Parish and meditate on these scriptures:
Mark 9:35
Matthew 20:25-28
Philippians 2:5-7
Romans 5:8-11
1 John 4:9-10
1 Corinthians 12-13
1 Peter 5:6
John 17
Please contact the office with your availability.
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